Knowledgeable electronics industry experts
  • On-site safe harbor warehouse stocked with over ½ billion parts 
  • Consignment and revenue share programs for excess material inventory 
  • Advertising and invoicing of consigned and in-stock materials 
  • Customer access to inventory status through a secure web portal 
Electronic Component industry experts
  • SMT Corp. has a knowledgeable, friendly and professional sales staff
  • Our sales team has the industry experience to provide you with hard-to-find electronics, creative solutions, and competitive pricing 
  • SMT Corp.’s proprietary software system incorporates AS5553 standards to optimize vendor selection and mitigate risk 
Defense and Aerospace Electronic Component Sales
  • SMT Corp.’s commodity managers and component specialists possess years of industry experience
  • SMT Corp. can assist with all aspects of fulfilling your component needs including obsolete components, end of life and military items
  • SMT Corp. sources from excess component inventories of thousands of OEM, EMS and CMs as well as component distributors around the globe

Want to find out more?

Ask a member of our team for further information about our electronic component sales,
including access to hard-to-find, end-of-life and obsolete parts.

Contact Our Team